Chapter IV of the Constitution of New Ingrea

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Chapter IV of the Constitution of New Ingrea
Government of New Ingrea
This article is part of the series:
Constitution of New Ingrea
Text of the Constitution
Preamble · Schedule
Chapters of the Constitution
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII
Amendments to the Constitution
Constitutional Conventions

Failed amendments · Proposed amendments

This box:

Chapter IV is the fourth article of the Constitution of New Ingrea. The chapter deals with the functions and powers of the Parliament, including the Senate and the House of Assembly. The chapter is divided into five parts, and consists of 37 sections.


Part 1—General

  • §36 — Legislative Power
  • §37 — Sessions of Parliament
  • §38 — Duration Between Sessions

Part 2—The Senate

  • §39 — Membership
  • §40 — Election of Senators
  • §41 — Commencement of a Senators Term
  • §42 — Absence of Lord Chancellor
  • §43 — Resignation of a Senator
  • §44 — Quorum
  • §45 — Tied Votes

Part 3—House of Assembly

  • §46 — Membership
  • §47 — Duration
  • §48 — Electoral Districts
  • §49 — Office of Speaker
  • §50 — Absence of the Speaker
  • §51 — Quorum
  • §52 — Resignation of a Member
  • §53 — Vacation by Absence
  • §54 — Tied Votes

Part 4—Qualifications and Membership

  • §55 — Qualifications for Registration as an Elector
  • §56 — Disqualifications for Registration as an Elector
  • §59 — Qualifications for Senators and Members
  • §60 — Ineligibility to Sit as a Senator or Member
  • §60A — Recall of Senators and Members
  • §61 — Liability for Ineligibility to Sit as a Member
  • §62 — Members Required to Take an Oath or Affirmation
  • §63 — Members May Only Belong to One House
  • §64 — Membership to Dealt by House Concerned
  • §65 — Allowance for Members

Part 5—Both Houses

  • §66 — Suspension of Bill or Demand for a Binding Referendum
  • §67 — Disagreement Between the Houses
  • §68 — Privileges of Each House
  • §69 — Acts to Embrace But One Object
  • §70 — Money Bills
  • §71 — Notice of Money Bills to the King
  • §72 — Senate May Not Initiate Money Bill

References and notes

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