Intelligence agencies of New Ingrea

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New Ingrea has a number of intelligence agencies dedicated to protecting the country from foreign interference.



There are presently four such agencies operating in New Ingrea, who each share responsibility for all aspects of national intelligence, including preventing espionage by foreign powers and attempting to monitor and prevent terrorist and other political violence. These agencies are also responsible for the collecting foreign intelligence, undertaking counter-intelligence activities and cooperation with other intelligence agencies overseas.

The activities of the intelligence community are overseen by the Inspector-General of Intelligence, who in turn reports directly to the Prime Minister.

Secret Service Bureau

The Secret Service Bureau (or SSB) is New Ingrea's chief foreign intelligence agency. The SSB forms part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

National Security Intelligence Bureau

Responsible for domestic security and counter-intelligence operations, the National Security Intelligence Bureau (or NSIB) is an agency sui generis of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

References and notes

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Template:Intelligence agencies