Template:Sprint Rail routes

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Route tpw Calling at
7 Kingsbury Central, Ellford Junction, Hillsborough, Langford, Willowdene, Tobinvale, Ossulstone, and Port Frederick
7 Kingsbury Central, Ellford Junction, Shepton, Akatore, Bielsdown, Dairyton, and Corfe Harbour
6 Kingsbury Central, Ellford Junction, Shepton, Akatore, Bielsdown, Dairyton, Waihou, Williamsdene, and Whakamarino
6 Port Bentley, Lunenborough, Simpkinwold, Cape Haekling, Kahukura, and Axport
6 Port Frederick, Mariavale, Pasquale, Uxbridge, Belvedere, Newry, Ashmarsh, Corfe Harbour, Dairyton, Waihou, Williamsdene, Townshend, and Goodwood
6 Kingsbury Central, Ellford Junction, Shepton, Lymeworth, Pukekina, Swanbrook, Stanley, Beaconsfield, and Te Piha. Note: Train divides and calls at: Waitōtō and Balfour Bay (Mo-We-Fr) OR Southmere (Tu-Th-Sa)
3 Kingsbury Central, Ellford Junction, Shepton, Mount Beacon, Rosenham, Philipstown, Littlehowe, and Earnestvale