Kingsbury Stadium

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Kingsbury Stadium
The Big Oval
Opened 4 October 1890 (133 years ago)
Owner Centralia County Council
Surface Grass
Capacity 40,000
Centralia Cricket Club
Kingsbury Roosters Football Club

Kingsbury Stadium is a stadium in Kingsbury, located in the suburb of Crickhollow, some of 1 13 miles (2.1 kilometres) from King's Square. The stadium is the largest in New Ingerland, and is the primary ground for Huruball and cricket in the national capital.


Listed building – Category II
Official name: Kingsbury Stadium
Designated: 3 November 2003
Reference No. C226307

The stadium dates back to 1890, when it was constructed on the hitherto undeveloped area by the River Sandon known as "Tomb's Paddock".

References and notes

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